Why We Are Baptist
At University Baptist Church we honor historical Baptist principles like the priesthood of all believers, the autonomy of the local church, and religious tolerance. Freedom is the keynote of Baptists. In accordance with traditional Baptist norms, UBC is a fully-autonomous body, free to follow the love of Christ wherever it may lead. We align ourselves with the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship, but our denominational identity is secondary to our broader Christian calling. We are called to follow Christ in all aspects of our personal and corporate lives and being Baptist affords us an awful lot of freedom to do so:
● Baptists are autonomous All church business is handled in-house. No denominational body will impede or influence matters of church polity, ministry, missions, staffing, leadership, theology, etc…
● Baptists are dedicated to the priesthood of all believers God calls everyone to serve and can call on anyone to lead. At UBC we take this seriously. We believe that all people are capable and competent to commune directly with God.
● Baptists are non-creedal Language is often better at dividing people than uniting them. In keeping with the historical Baptist standard, scripture alone is the rudder that guides us along the sea of Christendom.
For more information on historical Baptist norms and principles, visit the CBF website.
University Baptist Church Covenant
Entering into a covenant with one another as members of University Baptist Church of Montevallo, we resolve as persons committed to the Christian way of life to be involved in a fellowship which takes at least the following positions in living that Christian commitment as Baptists in the Montevallo Community.
1. A membership open to all persons regardless of race or national origin who accept Jesus Christ as Saviour and Lord, and who desire to pattern their lives after Christ’s teachings.
2. A fellowship which develops an innovative program which enables all persons to express their commitment to a risen Lord in a free, creative, and flexible manner in ministering to the needs of our community.
3. A vision, evangelical in outreach and social in concern, which includes ministering openly to all in our local community, the University of Montevallo community, and the worldwide community.
4. A stewardship in which the tithe is conceived as the minimum as far as possessions are concerned and with the recognition that all that we have and are belong to God.
5. A life that responds personally, in the family and through the church to the challenges of the Christian ethic and to opportunities for worship, Bible study, training, and prayer.
6. A continuity in which, upon moving from the Montevallo community, a member is expected to unite as soon as possible with some other church to carry out the spirit of this covenant and the principles of God’s Word.